SURGE Film Festival Interview with Award Winning Director and Screenwriter Rio Collier
Award Winning Director Rio Collier is interviewed by Sara. Rio's film screened at the Historic Academy Theater during the Fifth Annual International S.U.R.G.E.! Film Festival. The name of her film is "Armed with Art: A New Revolution is
Necessary - "Armad@s Con Arte. Una Nueva Revolucion es Nescesaria." It was screened En Español with English subtitles.
As Rio described it, ""Armed with Art: A new revolution is necessary" crisscrosses Mexico in a conversation with muralists, printmakers, musicians, and philosophers, exploring the dynamic relationship between art and
social transformation. The role of art spans from the perseverance of
marginalized cultural traditions within the forces of globalization,
to the communication of the voices of the people against state
corruption. Exploding into a resurgence of vibrant visual resistance
in Mexico, artistic practices have a stronghold on social critique in
the public sphere. Creative expression is changing the face of
revolution in Mexico. If another world is possible, a new revolution
is necessary.
This film is part of the Art and Resistance film series from the B
Media Collective about artists who use their creativity to promote
mutual aid, solidarity and self determination.
B Media Collective is a Portland based video art collective that
stands in solidarity with local and global people's movements through
the socialization, documentation, creation, and exchange of media
between communities in the global north and south. Founded in 2004 as
a working of the Portland Central America Solidarity Committee, and
inspired by the democratic media movement integral to the
revolutionary process in Venezuela, B Media began as a media exchange
to distribute independent media in solidarity with people's movements
throughout the Americas. Today B Media is not only interested in the
exchange and socialization of media, but in the active creation and
documentation of people's movements in our midst, with the explicit
goal of cross-border collective to collective solidarity.
"Brought to you by:
The Annual International Social Uprising Resistance and Grassroots Encouragement (SURGE) Film Festival
the Annual International A World Beyond Capitalism Conference Organizers
part of
the Year Round Africa Needs Free Justice School
SURGE Film Festival Interview with the Co-writer, Co-director and Performer Ken Lori
Ken Lori, Co-Director, Co-Writer, and Performer is interviewed by Sara. Ken's film screened during the Fifth Annual International S.U.R.G.E.! Film Festival. The name of his film is "Out of Character."
Ken and his Co-Director and Co-writer Ann Bonifacio have described their film in the following manner:
"Most films rarely uncover the human's 52 sides. This attempts to do just that. Out of Character contains an actual conversation about being yourself in a society that solicits you to be anything but, 'and more'. It's about identity, religion, the war, neurosis, compassion, competition, school, church, indulgence, socialization, school shootings, the Sun, Time, self-hatred, repetition, History, pain, loneliness, wealth, immaturity, pollution, the word of God, individuality, oppression and depression."
The SURGE Film Festival would like to give special thanks to our amazing volunteer videographer, Will, who provided and used his own professional video equipment to film this interview as well as very quickly taking care of the video editing within a couple days after the interview was filmed. SURGE would also like to thank Sara and all the other many participants, including the organizers at The Variant, the Film festival venue, who helped to make this interview possible. SURGE welcomes volunteers from all over the world on a year round basis who want to help with interviews, graphic design and all the many aspects of organizing that make this film festival with free of charge admission and free snacks possible each and every year in several cities throughout the world.
This interview is brought to you by:
The Annual International Social Uprising Resistance and Grassroots Encouragement (S.U.R.G.E.!) Film Festival
the Annual International A World Beyond Capitalism Conference Organizers
part of
the Year Round Africa Needs Free Justice School
Screening as part of the SURGE Film Festival on Wed, May 18 @ 3:21pm
Trailer for "Love & Valor"

Trailer for "Love & Valor"

Trailer for "Out of Character"
Trailer for" Out of Character"
Trailer for "Out of Character"

Friday May 20
5:12 pm
Out of Character
Location: The Variant, 4810 Northeast Garfield Avenue, Portland, OR 97211
Admission: FREE!
Trailer for "What I Meant To Tell You: An American Poet's State of the Union"
Sunday, May 22, 2011
5:40 p.m.
Location: The Variant
4810 Northeast Garfield Ave.
Portland, Oregon, 97211
Admission: Free of Charge
Trailer for "Plight of the Earth Fairy"
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
3:22 p.m.
Plight of the Earth Fairy
Location: The Variant
4810 Northeast Garfield Ave.
Portland, Oregon, 97211
Admission: Free of Charge
Trailer for "What's Up?"
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
3:03 p.m.
What's Up?
Location: The Variant
4810 Northeast Garfield Ave.
Portland, Oregon, 97211
Admission: Free of Charge
Trailer for "Sick-Amour"
Description: S.U.R.G.E. Film Festival, Thu, May 19, 6:26pm – 7:00pm
Trailer for "Pink Smoke Over The Vatican"
Pink Smoke Over the Vatican is a documentary film about the controversial movement of women seeking to be ordained as priests in the Roman Catholic Church. On June 3, 2008, The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, which is the modern name for The Holy Office of the Inquisition, issued a sweeping order of excommunication for “the crime of attempting sacred ordination of a woman.” Pink Smoke Over the Vatican chronicles the events that led up to this severe punishment and tells the stories of the determined women and men who, through the forbidden and illicit path of female ordination, are working to end the underlying misogyny and outdated feudal governance that is slowly destroying the Roman Catholic Church.
Pink Smoke Over the Vatican explores the complex ethical choices made by the women who are painfully discerning the difference between man’s law and God’s law. Their struggles encompass both the internal battles wrought by going against the Church they love as well as the external battles with the Church hierarchy, centuries-long tradition, police, and the rampant prejudice that still prevails against women in positions of power. But it is the impression that all have been undeniably touched by spirit that is certain to move both Catholics and the general public alike. Informative, beautifully filmed and edited, with a powerful soundtrack, this film will inspire any women or men who have experienced discrimination and marginalization to stand up to power, no matter the odds, and follow their true call.
Trailer for "FREE WORLD!"
Trailer for "END:CIV"
END:CIV examines our culture’s addiction to systematic violence and environmental exploitation, and probes the resulting epidemic of poisoned landscapes and shell-shocked nations. Based in part on Endgame, the best-selling book by Derrick Jensen, END:CIV asks: "If your homeland was invaded by aliens who cut down the forests, poisoned the water and air, and contaminated the food supply, would you resist?"